Digital Signature or digital signature scheme is an electronic Signature which is used for the attest the authority of digital document or digital message .digital signature is used that a digital message, Digital message or Digital Information have been sent securely .Digital signature is provided by the Certification Authority (CA) signed by the CA’s Private Key. Digital signature authenticates electronic message as a same way handwritten signature authenticates printed documents. Digital signature is used for sending the document and verifies that document is unchanged after receiving the receiver.
Why we used digital signature?
Digital signature is used for encryption and decryption of the document. Digital signature is used for the security purpose in the bank and organization. it is the full proof of a user in the digital form as a user signed the text document. Digital signature transportable and cannot be seen any unauthenticated someone. It is automatically time is very ensure that the sending digital document sent without any changed.
What is Digital Signature | Digital Signature| Digital Signature Scheme |Digital message| Digital Document
What is Digital Signature | Digital Signature| Digital Signature Scheme |Digital message| Digital Document